Features for Guaranteed Success
Chapter Overview - Brief chapter introduction, importance in exam and which are topics covered.
Class Teacher Notes - Class notes explained with Definitions, Formulas, Theories & examples.
Teacher Class Videos - Teacher's videos explaining each chapter for easy understanding.
Q&A Explained - Step-by-step question & answer solved for every chapter with explanations.
Solved Q&A Videos - Teacher explained step-by-step solution of questions on whiteboard videos.
Chapter MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions with timer to test the Chapter readiness of the student.
Chapters Review - Combination of a few chapters from a subject to test the confidence of the Student.
Subject Mock Test - Subject Mock Test is a combination of all chapters to prepare for the final exam.
Parent Can review - Students can authorize their Parent to review their Online Progress Report.
Test review by Teacher - An Expert SOS Teacher can be authorized to help a Student more here review their test.
Online Teacher Help - Opportunity for Students to chat online with Teacher for any question on SOS Subject.
Doubt Clearing Class - Students can take any SOS course chapter(s) online doubt clearing PAID class.